

last updated February 3, 2014
copyright dates from a commercial contract with Dr. Patrick Slater in NZ, 1980.

HISTORY: "On Monday 8th June 1987, Look out for Ingrid. This is a locally developed package that author (Jim) Legg describes as a Thought Processor. The result of 50 years of research and development effort, this decision support system is now becoming activated on the Internet. Originally it was developed with all processors in mind, 1000x to 2014 it requires all of 256MB of RAM! So whether it's using selection criteria for decision making, choosing where to have your holidays, deciding what new career to take, or just plain crystal ball gazing, this will have something for you."

- IBM PC User Group News by Terry Bowden - - New Zealand -

NB. The windows version requires hundreds of megabytes.

Making Decisions With Ingrid

Making decisions is not an easy task. Most of the difficulty in decision taking is related to the complexity of the world we live in. Real decisions are rarely simple and no option we may choose is so obviously attractive that we can easily discard all the others. Instead, most of the time, each of the options we consider includes something desirable in it while, at the same time, it also has some undesirable aspects. The issue is how to think about a particular decision which will please us most, or at least, one that we do not regret having taken.

Ingrid is a method designed to help you think about a decision problem you are facing now or you anticipate you may be facing in the future. It will help you clarify your problem during your interaction with it, and it will probably point you on your way towards a solution.

Ingrid has no knowledge about the world of your problem apart from what you tell it; so, all the knowledge about the problem you want to consider with Ingrid will have to be elicited from you.

Ingrid-When can it be used?

'Ingrid' can be used to solve practically any complex decision making problem.

Decision Making : -

In Management: To assess possible mergers in terms of potential outcome.

In Marketing: For evaluation of a range of marketing strategies in terms of the effects of each.

In Personnel: In deciding between a number of potential people for promotion in terms of their characteristics and qualities.

In Industrial Relations: To Evaluate the possible solutions to an industrial dispute in terms of the effects of each solution.

In Market Research: In assessing a range of products in terms of their characteristics.

In Investment Decisions: Evaluating a number of stocks and shares in terms of the factors affecting their value.

Planning :

Overviews :

Producing Maps :

Timelines :

Concensus / Difference Analysis :

Contact j.Maxwell Legg
