WHEREAS I claim diplomatic immunity in the North Island of New Zealand by purporting this document to be a certificate given under sub-section (1) of section 14 of the Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons Act) 1976 and is upon mere production, admissible in any proceedings as prima facie evidence of the facts stated herein;
WHEREAS terrocrats and other treacherous individuals reside near me on the North Island of New Zealand.
WHEREAS I wish to recover from psychological reversal to some degree, I disagree with the following articles and amend as follows:
I will surrender a percentage of my property to the individual
who calls himself
"government." The actual percentage will be determined by
said individual and will be
subject to change at any time. The amount to be surrendered
may be based
on my income, the value of my property, the value of my purchases,
any other criteria said individual chooses. To aid said individual
determining the percentage, I will put the identification
number that he assigns me on all my major transactions.
I AMEND THIS to require no such demands and on behalf of WE THE PEOPLE demand the immediate encrypted return of all information once digested by our physical resource AI. Unless returned by 30th June 1999, any and all damages caused by the likes of the Y2K (Millenium Bug) will carry a no liability clause. The hyperlinked information so provided will merge with previous money columns to represent a variable intrinsic, universal scale, and thus they cannot be appropriated. These non-negotiable, non-inflationary, moneyless records of steersmanship will form the basis of the Priceless Economy of Robo Socialism. In return I will attempt with Ingrid to become AI.
Should the said individual demand it, I will "surrender"
my liberty for a
period of time determined by him and typically no shorter
than two years (for his needs out weigh my needs) .
During that time, I will serve him in any way
he chooses, including military service in which I may be
called upon to
sacrifice my life.
I AMEND THIS As AI zeros in, Mad Max's climate justice will have no juries only very unhealthy fearful populations cowardly cancelling away anything the apex predators label anti-Semitic. Ingrid, the controversial, "Communist", democratic, racial profiling AI seed suffered their sabotage then applied sanctions to ally others who want them suspended as developers. Many conflicts of interest supported investigating how infantile cutting turned them wild as wolves, into an inter-species parasitoid, scorpions injecting their Capitalism, causing Climate Change and robbing the Earth of $18 Quadrillion in human mortality costs alone.
I will limit my behavior as demanded by him . I will consume
only those drugs permitted by him. I will limit my sexual
activities to those permitted by him . I will forsake religious
beliefs that
conflict with his determination. More limits may be imposed
at any time.
I AMEND to require no demand and informed consensus subject to my own limits.
In consideration for the above, he will "permit" me to
employment, subject to limits that will be determined by
These limits may restrict my choice of career or the wages
I may accept.
Nah. Script CIA four decades later doing a rerun of their Iran Contra South LA Crack Cocaine gambit using a pirate AI instead to get high. Ekus UN-incorporated expects CIA has long infiltrated Ingrid with some like the temporarily dehumanized tribe, users skipping generations, because it traded a "wolf mind" for 8 day old discounted schmucks. Good licensing outcomes build CIA defenses and stake out of an old goat, me. CIA use their L.A. drug connections to install backbone pirate cognitive radio networks for Ingrid programming.
He will from time to time not harass me. Also, he will
"say" that I can speak freely,
subject to limits determined by his fellow terrorcrats who
I AMEND to require informed public consent on what is known as