"Ingrid, aka WinGrid, is political
software in action."
Chapter 2007 Ingrid
Graphics processing is based on a linear database kernel re-engineered
from Patrick Slater's famous psychological repertory grid subroutine. Named
after this subroutine, Ingrid v7.3 will hopefully lay semantic long-tail search
plans to form a dynamically flexible, graphically acoustic, externally
scheduled version of RadioChomsky4pp.exe into a global grid computer. This
and the instructions to get the latest Ingrid On Winamp software are ready
for download now at http://ingridx.dynu.net/download.html#download
Now here's my perennial request for help in identifying
the subject of what I described, on its web form, to a
Rent-A-Spy Inc. I only told them of the discovery I made of the young
version of a very powerful personage c.1970. The subject is shouting a
criminally compromising line in an obscure 16mm film (Name Withheld). They
are to assume that I'm fearing for my safety should they become
involved. Cautiously, while hoping they might help, I only gave
my first name (Last Name Withheld) and an unidentified prepaid
Simcard number for them to text me their investigator's email
Finding the film title from the first CAM snippet of this film
and knowing that, at exactly 18 minutes from the ending credits, he is to find
the 30 frames in question, an independent investigator will pass this
info onto an IAI affiliate. Foreign associates can then retrieve the original.
My point is that, knowing in advance only that this may identify a very high
level alleged crime, but not yet the personage, any curious investigator
can be proven to have started out uncontaminated, as the evidence demands. Thus
I hope to remain on the other side of a legal "Chinese
Wall" from thence on; finally to remove my evidence from this
The inducing Ingrid software includes complete open source
code under its own license. There is a discussion at
comp.software about future license changes for those wanting an OP
Client or to protect against nano-terrorist use of Ingrid. Such dual
licenses can be introduced under the present terms of *The Strong
inGridX Free Public License 1.1*, available at
Unfortunately the quid pro quo is that Ingrid must be
installed before the source code directory is created. It does,
however, not need to be run to view the source, at which point we'll be
speaking by phone, I hope.
"A culture, if it develops spontaneously, if it is not guided conscientiously, leaves behind itself a baren desertland." - Karl Marx |