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Please note: If you want your donation to be credited to your Ingrid user account (so your account can be upgraded), you must sign in before making your donation. (You need not login if you want your donation to be anonymous.)

Click on one of the PayPal buttons below to donate money to keep Ingrid and Cheap_Hotel running smoothly.

[Donate US$5]

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[Donate US$250]

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Donate $250

Please donate to support ongoing bandwidth expenses and further development of this web site as a free resource for the Ingrid enthusiast community. There would be no Cheap_Hotel (or Ingrid) without the financial support of people like you.

Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions

This page includes information about how donations may be made, how the donated money will be used, and information about the public recognition you will receive (unless you opt-out) after making a donation. We appreciate your interest in contributing to Cheap_Hotel and want to make this experience one that you will feel good about. Please read the entirety of this page.


Table of Contents



Why should I donate money to Cheap_Hotel? How will my donation be used?

Cheap_Hotel is supported by voluntary donations and a handful of dedicated sponsors. It is not a large business, but is instead a rather expensive hobby of Jim Legg, who founded and operates this site and the Ingrid Open Source project as a free service for other Ingrid enthusiasts.

Your donations support ever-increasing monthly bandwidth expenses from my ISP and for ongoing development of the software and hardware behind the site.

When this site is finished, all donors will also have their accounts upgraded to include:

  1. 200MB of file storage for photos, documents, web pages, etc.
  2. Your username @Cheap_Hotel.com email address (automatically forwarding to your registered email address)
  3. A favicon symbol will appear with your username in message posts



How will my contribution be recognized?

Your username will appear with a favicon next to it in any messages that you post, signifying your status as a donating member. If you prefer to remain anonymous, there's an option for turning off favicon visibility in the 'My Account' preferences page.



How do I donate money to Cheap_Hotel

At the bottom of this page, you are provided the opportunity to proceed in donating money to Cheap_Hotel. We accept donations using PayPal. This process has the following steps:

  1. At the bottom of this page, click on the button above the amount you want to donate. Go to the Donation Page (you are here, now), read the provided instructions and use one of the PayPal buttons at the bottom of the page select the size of the donation you want to make to Cheap_Hotel. Buttons are provided for common denominations of US$5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and $250.
  2. Enter your credit card information (or login to your PayPal account) on the PayPal page, then complete your donation. You will be redirected to PayPal where you may complete your donation either by following the provided instructions (you may either login to a PayPal account and make the donation, or enter your credit card information).
  3. Track your donations. Once your donation has been submitted, PayPal will email you a receipt. The Cheap_Hotel site will recognize your donation within minutes.



I live outside the United States; can I still contribute money?

Yes, since Cheap_Hotel accepts donations through PayPal, we are able to accept contributions from many different countries (including the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, China, United Kingdom, Denmark, and others). PayPal will handle the currency conversion on your behalf. Additional information regarding currency conversion will be provided by PayPal after you have reached step 3 in the donation process.



Is my donation tax-deductible?

To the best of our knowledge, no. In the United States, donations are only tax-deductible when they are made to non-profit organizations that are permitted to provide tax exemptions by the government (such as 501(c)3 charities). If you live outside the United States and you believe this donation may be tax-deductible, please consult local tax laws and/or a tax attorney; to the best of our knowledge, donations to Cheap_Hotel are not tax-deductible anywhere in the world.



What fees will be deducted from my donation?

Fees are assessed from each donation by PayPal (varying based on a percentage of the donation, and any currency conversion that must occur).



I am having a problem using the donation system -- PayPal is not accepting my donation.

We recommend you check the online help provided by PayPal; if your issue persists, contact PayPal for assistance.
When reporting issues to PayPal, please reference: Source: Cheap_Hotel



I have a question about the donation system; where should I direct my question?

Questions, concerns, or Cheap_Hotel site issues related to the donation system may be directed to the webmaster.



Select the amount to donate to Cheap_Hotel.

[Donate US$5]

[Donate US$10]

[Donate US$20]

[Donate US$50]

[Donate US$100]

[Donate US$250]

Donate $5

Donate $10

Donate $20

Donate $50

Donate $100

Donate $250


Make a donation to support Cheap_Hotel


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