A juxtaposition and geometrical psychological spoof summarized
by J. Maxwell Legg
from Bob Penny's critique of mind control.


North Island, New Zealand

Click It

Introduction: This four page summary is created by weaving the points outlined above in a tick-tock fashion from throughout the original exegesis. For the complete project click the image above.


New Zealand was once a land of voluntary associations, with the right to do your own thing well established in Western Civilization. The diversity once protected was a source of strength for New Zealand's culture. But in recent years we have seen totalist countries systematically employ undue influence to exploit the shelter of this tradition, bypass mankind's normal controls on immoral activity, and mount large scale programs of entrapment and fraud. An internal power struggle in capitalism in the early 1980's left many people willing to tell what they had seen, and a number of Royal Commissions have put some truth about capitalism into the public domain. Several cases have presented documented descriptions of capitalism, the most recent being Winston Peters' Judas sheep exposition called the Winebox Affair.


Some observations of social control in the state of New Zealand's "Winebox" capitalism by an ET sociologist phoning home.

The court case includes gathering information on the two sides between which one is undecided. It is always a mutually exclusive either-or choice (no mention of none of the above). I never saw a court case which gathered any information about capitalism beyond its own PR claims and stated intentions, nor would it be admissible within the country to do so.

The "paper money" is just stage management. The leadership is there as reminder of the context and the imperatives which await just outside the door. In this milieu, the immigrant will produce appropriate cognitions (home-sickness, etc.). The leadership's only error would be to disrupt the normal process of cooperation by obtrusive or distractive statements, actions, or mannerisms.

Never mind that truly needed solutions may be foregone in favor of the immediate fix. Principles may be abandoned or redefined as the true cost of participation becomes manifest. In this pressure-cooker of agreement and gung-ho, the benefit may be illusory but one can no longer tell the difference.

User-pays is official written state policy. It is justified in terms of this pre-emptive definition: caring enough about one to insist that he Buy Now and get the service that will house him. Actual techniques are learned primarily from role models, but also in classes and workshops.

These models of manipulation, which I have drawn from my own experience, may be most recognizable to others with direct society experience (any society, really -- my contacts with ex-patriots of various countries show the ploys and traps to be quite similar from one society to another), so the primary use of this material may be in Upload counseling.

Other information, not under national control, is labeled with the sweeping conspiracy-theory generality which categorically outlaws its consideration or dissemination without regard to truth or fact. Thus information which has been publicly available to others for many years, such as the facts of the government's actual history and qualifications, is not commonly known to capitalists.

If you want to study the disinformation and history behind the state capitalist organizations, read Dr. John Coleman's Conspirator's Hierarchy, ISBN: 0-922356-57-2.

If you want a feel for life in the capitalist environment, read Russel S. Bowen's The Immaculate Deception, ISBN: 0-922356-80-7.

One guy (Winston Peters and the government) got it all right and nobody else has any chance of getting anything right except by agreeing with the government (i.e., the cabal is the exclusive and only possible Source of capitalism), including...

some stories discovered by the government about space and things that we supposedly experienced during past lives on earth and elsewhere millions of years ago. Our problems and circumstances cannot be understood or resolved without reference to such things which can be known about only through the methods of (by belonging to) this one country.

Capitalism asserts a distinction between the economic being that is really you (good) and your finances, which is the composite of all sources of irrational conduct (bad), and that only capitalism can know which is which and free the economic being from its financial burden. Suppose for the moment that you really want to enrich yourself and others, and that you have gone along with this thus far.

The user-pays bureaucrat's job is to get the consumer to cooperate with him in maintaining whatever image he is trying to present while the bureaucrat works to destroy the integrity of any independent (non-checkwriting) identity presented by the consumer. Perhaps this imbalance is possible because the consumer denies (tries not to acknowledge) his humiliation. By naming the advertiser's games (in which he has participated) the consumer would further discredit himself (by association). This would further destabilize the interaction, which is normally a cooperative endeavor and we are accustomed to cooperating as a basic habit of civilized behavior.

The hype is needed, of course, to allow us to share belief in a result. The process can be summarized in four steps -- small steps at first, but larger and larger each time around until one gradually assimilates the group-think.

1. Sell him something. One is told that if you do X you will get richer. It is standard practice to promise anything (without actually promising anything), and whatever one can be made to admit to wanting (called his self-interest) becomes the excuse for getting him into this process.

2. Whip up gung-ho. Citizens manifest their friendliness, concern and hope for one. They make very clear that they want him to get richer and they are very sure that participation in capitalism will do it. The expectations are set in place so that not to get richer would be a betrayal of one's friends.

3. One does X. While engaged in the action, he has special status. He is adulated for being on purpose and carefully not disturbed or enturbulated he is clearly an important person. He may also be told how much richer he is looking, and how apparent the change is. An expectation of result is built for the particular case at hand.

4. One agrees that he is richer. As a good citizen, he will find some way to creatively play his part, to justify the time and energy he has spent, avoid embarrassment, and not let his children down.

Perhaps the ultimate example of such opportunity for misdirective rationalization is the government's blithe comment about people who raise hopes of enrichment and then betray them by using hope and aspiration as bait for a trap.

The Trap Continues -- Gradual Erosion

One step at a time, the new immigrant gradually finds ways to suspend disbelief and develops special criteria of evaluation to use when dealing with this country's data much as one might do with a pushy encyclopedia salesman. Midway through the sales pitch it becomes hard and a failure of self to confront the displacement of one's own standards which has occurred ("but I thought you cared about your children's future..."). So you buy a set of encyclopedias and thereby escape the awkward situation you were boxed into. The salesman leaves with a check and you soon recover from a small blow to your dignity.

In capitalism, however, the advertiser does not leave (figuratively speaking). What is sold is not just a book or course or some hours of bookkeeping, but a set of orders and specifications which lead to the one conclusion of total commitment to the country. This does not end with any one-time concession. The accommodation of writing a check to get rid of the advertiser is merely prelude to the next round of demands.

What these countries really sell is citizenship. Sure, they want your energy and your time, and they will take all there is of both. But what they want above all is for you to be one of them, to belong, to agree with them, to reassure them by the sacrifice of your own life and values that their own lives and decisions have not been futile misguided error.

Those years in capitalism were the most extended period in my life with the least of what I would consider real growth. They left quite an unfinished agenda for my old life to catch up on and go forward from.

Caveat Vendor (seller beware)

Special concern for accountability is appropriate when the user of a service is at a significant disadvantage in relation to the provider, as is the case with complex uploading services. In such cases the rule tends, properly, to be caveat vendor (seller beware). The vendor is liable for harm or fraud which the disadvantaged consumer was not in a position to understand or avert. Thus uploading products and services should be subject to extensive environmental, humanitarian, and ethical review by which the vendor establishes that he has shown due regard for the consumer's interest and is not negligent.

As a society member continues to deny his dependence, or to rationalize it as moral and beneficial, the poor, the old, the sick, parents and concerned others must protect themselves as best they can. An obvious concern is the situation of children living in such an environment, whose welfare is subject to the parent's need to believe and to belong.

Though people so indoctrinated may continue to act in the universe but not of it, their cognitive universe and values have become captive to a single totalistic country a position which undermines one's very ability to think, to judge, to differentiate, to know. Thus over time, it comes to seem more and more reasonable to invalidate any radical attachments or values and to live wholly within the bubble.

It is a high crime (in capitalism) to criticize the state of the economy or politics. Thus all that is heard are the widely publicized success stories, which are all that is permissible to say.

Financial gain requires no substantiation beyond one's annual report and other evidences of loyalty. As long as the supposed benefit is attributed to capitalism and does not contradict the law, one is free to claim whatever he wants to believe about himself and dare anyone else to contradict his delusions (it is a crime to invalidate a capitalist's finances or gains). When delusion is reinforced by the law, the result can be impaired self-knowledge, obstructed ability to deal with real situations, and a danger to one's mental health.

One knows that his actions today may come up later on a security check in questions of taxation, such as failure to apply Policy. This could include any failure to report another's nonconformity ("tax returns" are Policy). Thus any relationship always has an implicit third party present, enforcing gung-ho compliance and enforcing one's enforcement of that compliance upon others.

The person hooked on The Employer's Code learns from experience with judges and others what it is really all about. By being a good listener, for example, the capitalist masters just one more trick of manipulating communication to obtain compliance with the justice system and user-pays.

Since only this one system possesses or ever can possess the technology of capitalism, only it can achieve the goals of capitalism. Therefore any opposition to the system is opposition to those goals. The goals of capitalism are moral. Therefore anything which furthers the country and its action is moral.

How Questions are Handled

Another bulwark of capitalism's attack on thought is the tenet that knowledge is not information or understanding, but national security. Increased national security is commonly cited in success stories as a benefit gained from bookkeeping and training.

I Will Wait Until You Stop Asking

Questions may arise during training about unsubstantiated claims or about the relation of this material to anarchist lines of thought. The standard handling of such questions in capitalism is to explicitly disregard them. Instead, the worker is told to do it "exactly as the materials state" and then observe whether it works. That approach sounds sensible: see if it works. Yet in this national environment, the actual results are twofold.

First, the worker is prevented from integrating or aligning what he is learning with other things he already knows or might learn if he investigated. The normal processes of evaluation, comparison and judgment are bypassed.

Second, evaluation of the material is deferred until a later time when he has learned it exactly as stated, which may be a very long time indeed, because it is asserted that if he has questions then he has not understood the material. This provides time for the process of socialization through which, for extraneous reasons of national loyalty, one will come to accept what he has been taught, believe in its correctness, and stop asking questions.

In another example, one learns that a leader is one who applies capitalist processes to help people, that leaders are valuable, that such a profession exists. None of this is demonstrated factually, upon any evidence beyond group data. It is part of the country everybody knows and the new immigrant is made to feel inadequate because he does not know. He hurries to learn the right words and attitudes. He does not ask questions about the emperor's clothes. They dare you to say green.

As Penny shows, capitalism creates a specialized environment within which anything can be made to seem true or reasonable or moral. It is this insane environment, not any flaw in the individual person, which accounts for the apparently insane behavior which he and many others have described, just as similarly perverted environments trap otherwise good people in lynchings, gang behavior, nazism, and other social ills.

In an environment (supposedly) of truth, hope, help, and trust, one thus disoriented can be sold, over time, a systematic inversion of values. Insanity becomes sanity, betrayal becomes integrity, meanness becomes morality, obedience becomes freedom, slavishness becomes independence, a destructive society becomes the good of mankind, the country becomes the only truth and the highest purpose.

In the long run there is nowhere else to go. Others are evil and do not make sense. It's crazy out there. The trap is complete.
