Counter Capitalism - Glossary

When automated this will be my biggest Ingrid project. For narrative see 
$1,000,000  $100,000  $1,000,000  $100,000 
a permission system a gradient a Thin Blue Line a few slim shoulders
a Thin Blue Line a few slim shoulders a permission system a gradient
absurdities complexities part of society a religion
advertiser salesman the Internet a teach your baby to read program
agencies emergencies Dr. Timothy Leary Albert Einstein
anarchist mainstream Association Assertion
anarchy psychiatry descendants associates
annual reports Success stories bookkeeping auditing
arbitration meditation taxation auditing
Association Assertion employer auditor
automating clearing leadership auditor
Balance Sheet evaluating round of golf back rub
bankruptcy failed case richer better
be a dole bludger have not cognited yet bibliography biography
bibliography biography body odors body thetans
board session sport bowling
boardroom courseroom uploading business
body odors body thetans private school Cadet Org
bookkeeping auditing financial  case 
bum wog national security certainty
bureaucrat salesman Charting Chanting
buying thinking about state church
capital statistics state of New Zealand's capitalism. Church of Scientology
capitalism Scientology Ph.D. Class VIII
capitalism's advertising agencies Scientology's letter-writing factories economy Clear
capitalists scientologists automating clearing
Charting Chanting island country closed group
children friends police squad closing team
citizen group member absurdities complexities
citizenship membership Judgment Summons Condition of Doubt
conspiracy-theory generality convictions conditions
consumer mark boardroom courseroom
convictions conditions Royal Commissions court cases
corporate conference religious retreat fines  cramming
corporate ladder first dynamic humans cults
country group future current life
cultural self-help qualifications Dianetics books
cyberians doctors production dissemination
Cyberspace God producer disseminator
death-grip gradient cyberians doctors
debt handling the law doctrine
descendants associates fringe benefit drug
discussion group entrepreneurial business Virtual Reality Earth science
Dr. Timothy Leary Albert Einstein agencies emergencies
drop-outs ex-members the poor, the old, the sick employers
Economic Spiritual discussion group entrepreneurial business
economy Clear moral ethical
employer auditor police interogation  ethics
Energy Money the funny-farm Ethics
entropy-making money-making the justice system ethics
environment Hubbard the police force ethics
ethical professional prison sentence ethics condition
ex-patriots ex-members probation officer ethics officer
financial  case  Balance Sheet evaluating
fines  cramming Upload exit
fringe benefit drug drop-outs ex-members
future current life ex-patriots ex-members
God individual bankruptcy failed case
government Mr. Hubbard illegal thinking feeding cogs
greed Jesus corporate ladder first dynamic
home-sickness past lives job interviews free personality tests
housing rehabilitation children friends
humanitarian scientific conspiracy-theory generality
humans cults Cyberspace God
illegal thinking feeding cogs death-grip gradient
immigrant preclear mortgaged career gradient
In the long run  Soon country group
injunctions retraining national  group
insider trading service citizen group member
International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Association of Scientologists (IAS) perloin their credit cards handle their scruples
invoicing sessions wins sessions debt handling
island country closed group user-pays  Hard Sell 
its beginnings his childhood be a dole bludger have not cognited yet
Jesus Ron solutions help
job interviews free personality tests its beginnings his childhood
judge registrar environment Hubbard
Judgment Summons Condition of Doubt lifestyle of the transhuman humanity of the wog
leadership auditor negotiations hypnosis
lifestyle of the transhuman humanity of the wog orders ideas
lotto stat God individual
mankind society Police Informer In-Ethics
Marxist Markabian Uploaders inFormer
Meetings TRs International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Association of Scientologists (IAS)
misdemeanors misidentifications greed Jesus
moral ethical Tax returns knowledge reports
mortgage foreclosure out gradient Trial Balance L1C
mortgaged career gradient Principles Life goals
mutant virtual reality mutant TQM LRH Study
national  group anarchist mainstream
national security certainty consumer mark
negotiations hypnosis Marxist Markabian
not be permitted out gradient arbitration meditation
NWO Sea Org citizenship membership
one's annual report the person's attestation zillions millions
orders ideas misdemeanors misidentifications
owners practitioners Energy Money
paper money tech entropy-making money-making
parliament the Bridge  government Mr. Hubbard
part of society a religion mutant virtual reality mutant
past-career past-life radical people non-group persons
perloin their credit cards handle their scruples reconciling non-upsetting
Ph.D. Class VIII politics OT
philanthropists virtual supermen mortgage foreclosure out gradient
Police Informer In-Ethics not be permitted out gradient
police interogation  ethics home-sickness past lives
police squad closing team past-career past-life
politics OT specifications  perceptions
poorer worse proforma peremptory
pornography Prozac Transhumanism physics
Principles Life goals owners practitioners
prison sentence ethics condition immigrant preclear
private school Cadet Org ethical professional
probation officer ethics officer pornography Prozac
producer disseminator anarchy psychiatry
production dissemination the Internet psychology
proforma peremptory judge registrar
program science housing rehabilitation
qualifications Dianetics books corporate conference religious retreat
radical people non-group persons injunctions retraining
reconciling non-upsetting Jesus Ron
reconcilliation problem upset self-interest ruin
richer better advertiser salesman
round of golf back rub bureaucrat salesman
Royal Commissions court cases program science
self-interest ruin truth science
social-welfare   humanitarian scientific
society the cult capitalists scientologists
solutions help capitalism Scientology
specifications  perceptions capitalism's advertising agencies Scientology's letter-writing factories
sport bowling NWO Sea Org
state church cultural self-help
state of New Zealand's capitalism. Church of Scientology insider trading service
subversive suppressive board session
Tax returns knowledge reports mankind society
taxation auditing In the long run  Soon
the cabal the man Economic Spiritual
the funny-farm Ethics lotto stat
the Internet a teach your baby to read program capital statistics
the Internet psychology worker student
the Internet the public work study
the justice system ethics annual reports Success stories
the law doctrine subversive suppressive
the police force ethics paper money tech
the poor, the old, the sick employers parliament the Bridge 
three years three days society the cult
to upload to leave the cabal the man
TQM LRH Study one's annual report the person's attestation
Transhumanism physics the Internet the public
Trial Balance L1C buying thinking about
truth science three years three days
universe world to upload to leave
Upload exit Meetings TRs
Uploaders inFormer reconcilliation problem upset
uploading business philanthropists virtual supermen
user-pays  Hard Sell  invoicing sessions wins sessions
Virtual Reality Earth science bum wog
work study universe world
worker student poorer worse
zillions millions    

Last Updated on 2/21/97
By Jim Legg